Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Get to Know the Real You - Omega

Some weeks back, a situation with my family doc brought home how seriously disconnected my body language, facial expression & tone are from the words I'm speaking.  I'd been sharing vital information with him for half a year & it never registered.  When he went back over his notes, there it was, clear as day.  But it had never registered in his conscious because of the way I said it. 

The lack of concern in my body language, tone & facial expression literally negated what I thought was being shared.  

My experience with it goes way back.  Two incidents in college are perfect examples of the same problem - in both cases, no one reached out help me when I was about to faint or when I was injured with a dislocated elbow.  

My body language, tone  & facial expression were completely out of whack with my calls for help.

The Aug 1-3 Omega workshop ~ GET TO KNOW THE REAL YOU  What Your Brain Chemistry, Personality & Body Say About You ~ seems pitch perfect for my problem.  "What does your speech say about you?  How about your face?  Your movements?"  Sounds at least like a start!  

Years & years ago, I read an article about a therapist who video taped her clients interacting with others. The results were apparently always dramatic, always a great surprise to the subject to see how he or she came across, how what was intended to be shared was being lost in translation.  As soon as I read it - before I was married, so well over 25 years ago - I longed to have the experience of seeing my own impact.  

Something like 7% of our words account for what it processed by others as communication.  The rest is conveyed by body language, by tone, by facial expression.  

Fingers crossed that the workshop's exercises, discussions & guided self-reflection will help me "delve into all aspects of (my) life and connect with who (I) really am, inside & out."

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