Friday, August 15, 2014

Why "Gran-FAM-boly!"?

If there's already books out there on fun for seniors, with activities for the elderly & with dementia, why write another, one envisioned as the first of a to-be-determined series?

I'm impressed with Mary Schulte's book on activities for older people - it's extensive, with a variety of possibilities, including a section dedicated to things to do with guys.  Looking forward to recommending it to everyone - in my book. 

It's easy to see how Gran-FAM-boly! (just in bold, no link - yet) will be similar.  How will it be different?  Why write a book of intergenerational activities for grandparents, great-aunts & uncles, and other grand friends with a perfectly good one already done & available?  

My book is teeny compared to Mary's. There will be a tiny fraction of the activities Mary includes in her kindle book - no more than twenty-five, maybe fewer.  There will be a hard copy edition, as well as an e-book. And it will be devoted exclusively to drawing generations together. 

The success of Mary's book confirms that there's a market for books dedicated to engaging, energizing & empowering older people.  This time next year, I hope Mary will recommending MY book to her friends & family.   

A young friend, Merry Farmer, believes the present day publishing world is more exciting than it's been since Gutenberg.  Guess she is proof positive, since she's been enjoying success with her romance novels.  Did Merry sit there & say, "There are so many romance novels out there already, I should just chuck any idea of writing my own."??  No, because HER novels weren't out there,yet.  Why Gran-FAM-boly!?  Because it's inside me, itching to get OUT.

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