Monday, October 13, 2014

I (heart) Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D!

And you should, too!

I discovered her due to a Huffington Post article that seriously bugged me. It was spot on in describing a problem that holds me back, but it didn't share can-do steps for making improvements.   Inspired an online search of said problem & my discovery of Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D - -  who is, it turns out, the very same author of the abysmally inadequate HuffPo piece (woefully condensed from an excellent article in Pschology Today)!

Sadly, there was no link to said article, nor any mention of her Fulfillment at Any Age  blog.  

Of course, condensed anything can't approach the real thing.  Especially paring down an article on such key life skills as wise start & savvy stop controls.  

For folks like me, who KNOW we stink at picking the best next step task & sticking with it all the way to satisfactory completion, describing our dilemma is not a solution.  We need constructive, do-able, next steps.

Now, the Psychology Today piece - praise be, that's the real deal, a gauntlet thrown down, challenging me to pick it up & enter into the fight for saner, more effective, satisfying life experiences.

Turns out Susan Krauss Whitbourne, a woman after my own heart,  Her grad students focus on life-span development, small wonder with her own professional interests/expertise includes adult development & aging, contributions to wholesome aging, aging & exercise, and the relationship between physical health & personal identity*.  

You never know where an online search will lead?  Would NEVER have guessed that the very person who wrote the woeful article - the very article, in it's complete form - would inspire & uplift me, would provide understanding & give hope for a future better.  

And realizing, all over again, that one of the crucial gifts I bring to my elder care anarchy calling is the time to check out these things, to find the resources, to connect others to apt info & applicable support.  To dig out & openly share how we can help loved ones & friends celebrate being engaged, energized,empowered elders.

* The last - the relationship between physical health & personal identity - just seized my fuller attention this past weekend. Learned that my brilliant but physically limited sister is staying, at her preference, in a nursing home's shut-down Alzheimer's unit - has chosen to stay there, rather than move into standard quarters.

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