Wednesday, April 8, 2015

C.V. Dining - two reactions

Every week, an older friend & I have dinner at our hometown's senior community.  Each Tuesday, she has the wonderful opportunity to socialize with classmates & schoolmates & longtime friends.  Where she lives is marvelous, a full-services "senior lifestyle" residence, but it can't hold a candle to the sense of community she feels dining at Cairnwood Village! 

Image result for older friends dining

For a long time, we sat together.  I realized that if we sat separately - keeping each other in sight range - she could have a greater sense of independence & sit with more people she rarely gets to see.  

Have gotten two very different responses to that practice.  A couple weeks ago, one of the women sitting at my friend's table shared that she seemed to occasionally need a bit of assistance or guidance from others - perhaps I should start sitting next to her.  Last night, a woman who had sat next to my friend throughout the meal shared with me that she seemed to be a bit confused at times about what to do - and it was so wonderful that she had the independence to make it work, in spite of being occasionally flummoxed.  The woman wanted me to know how great it was that I kept open the way for as much self-determination as possible.  

Image result for older people dining together

Same situation, same challenge, two very different responses.  Yes, I will keep my antennae up.  When the time comes, will start sticking close to her side.  But until then...
Image result for let freedom ring

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