Wednesday, May 6, 2015

If only... Mom & Reiki

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One of the many regrets I have about all my "should haves" around Mom is that she didn't have regular Reiki sessions.  My sister does Reiki & I'm pretty sure she probably did gave Mom the benefit of her skill on the rare weekend they tagged up at Mim's seashore apartment.  Knowing what I do now, I regret Mom didn't have more.  If only...

Mim was way more into alternative health therapies.  I just wish we'd been closer - in every way - to have gotten the benefit of her interest, knowledge, skill.  Alas, it's only been since Mom's passing that I've become aware of the power of energy work.  Again - If only...

In this present day, the more I work with older friends - or maybe the older I get! - the more it feels like regular Reiki work would do wonders for them, perhaps especially the seriously older.

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If only all of my older friends had their eyes opened to the advantages that energy work like Reiki (RAY-kay)!

Was Mom laying down when Mim did Reiki?  She could have been, but there are ways of doing Reiki that don't require the prone position, face down, on a bodywork table.  Adjustments - such as sitting in a recliner, even in a wheelchair - make it possible for folks with physical limitation to have the benefits of a Reiki session.   

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While I was not surprised to have it confirmed that Reiki can significantly benefit my older friends, I was take aback on discovering it's nipped past its  New Age reputation & is considered by many to be mainstream.  Especially with people facing the challenges of Alzheimer's & related dementias.

It seems to be especially effective with people experiencing mild cognitive problems or mild Alzheimer's.  In one study, patients receiving four weeks of Reiki treatments increased their mental functioning, memory & behavior over those who received none.  Without increased medication or hospitalization!

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Youngers often don't grasp how stressful, discouraging, downright depressing getting well up there in years can be on their older loved ones.  Reiki has been found to make significant strides in reducing stress, relieving anxiety, and increasing a state of calm relaxation.

Another surprise was discovering Reiki can be especially beneficial for caregivers.  At least one study involving nurses indicate that adding Reiki to their self-care lowered stress levels & increased their sense of effective self-healing.  Another reported that after receiving Reiki training, nurses experienced greater self-satisfaction & reduced other symptoms of common burnout.
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It's some solace that the studies showing Mom - and I - could have benefited from regular Reiki work started well after she was reunited with her O! Best Beloved.  Although she didn't suffer from so much as a smidgen of cognitive impairment, didn't seem stressed or depressed, I can see the smile she would have had on her face, sense the response of her whole body after Reiki.  

Who in or near my little hometown specializes in Reiki for the physically challenged or elderly?  Time to do a little of my own research, if only to avoid ever having to say "If only..." when it comes to nudging others to consider the potential benefits & blessings of Reiki!  

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