Saturday, January 23, 2016

I, app

Image result for connectmyfolks

Checking out the app, ConnectMyFolks, it hit home how my true north purpose is to turn PEOPLE into apps, to show humans how they can help oldsters & the seriously elderly connect without having to even imagine the word TECHNOLOGY.

Mind you, from everything I've read, ConnectMyFolks is a dandy app.  Just two things that bug me:
  • It's still technology, albeit the lowest level possible.
  • It's still not human connection
And, yes - those are two very different things.

 Image result for technology phobia

My dear old Mother was a full-blown technophobe, frozen by anything that didn't have a knob, clueless about buttons & cryptic symbols.  And she knew how to type!  A LOT of older folks never did, which only adds to how fiercely intimidated they can feel with even the lowest level of technology, by even a whisper of the word.

And being online is still not human connection.  

"Oh, wow!" we think, "Grannie can have easy access to e-mail & photos & videos!"  Alas, most folks who are old enough to be intimidated by technology are also likely to prefer a photo they can post on the fridge, a note or letter they can set aside & reread later, a card they can display.   

So, how do I combine the human element with all that the digital revolution offers?  An intriguing challenge.  One I've been yada-yada-yadaing about for years.  

Gotta dig down, recognize the persistent fear that derails me, get into the DO, the BE.  Because there's a reason for what's calling ME:  my funky life experience, my business systems background, the fact I made my professional bones through innovative computer applications (not apps) ~and~ that I can fully understand older friends who loathe anything that comes with a keyboard & screen, who freak out at "touch" innovations.  
FACT: The Universe is fed to the teeth with my dilly-dallying, shilly-shallying.  

 Image result for hallmark cards

Things are going to get pretty nasty if I don't get my rear in gear in the charge to reverse the trend away from pens & paper & stamps ~ and, at the same time ~ develop templates to help all sorts of others become human "apps" who (not that) get oldsters & the elderly & seriously ancient moving & grooving on the internet without so much as a whisper of the dreaded word, TECHNOLOGY!
Image result for sunrise clipart


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