Thursday, January 28, 2016

In which I become a Janeite

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Not this one!

Today, I became a Janeite.  Not as in one of the countless enamored by all things Jane Austen ('though I am partial to many of her books).  As in a "What a woman!" fan of JANE KERSCHNER, friend & astonishing life coach.

Image result for Jane Kerschner

 This one!

Small wonder we hit it off at last year's Leading To Well-Being Conference.  Can still remember our first meeting - she was sitting with some friends & associates.  I came over to introduce myself & comment on something she'd shared during a session.  One shake of our hands & we knew - kindred spirit!  Little did I know how much she would change my life.

Over the years, I've deeply admired how Jewish Family Agency (JFCA) & other agencies/groups walk the talk in serving both their religious & larger community, with programs frequently in the vanguard of society's needs.  Turns out that Jane is a key facilitator of the Wise Aging program, a collaboration between temples in & around Washington, D.C., plus other Jewish social services, embracing all branches of judaism.  

Oh, to live in the area & be able to see Jane in action!  

The reason for tonight's major shout-out to my friend, Jane, is to say THANK YOU for introducing me to Wise Aging ~ living with joy, resilience & spirit. 

 Image result for Jane Kerschner wise aging

For years, I've longed to help get conversations rolling in my own religious & larger community on aging expansive, but been stumped.  Such a huge topic - where to start?   

Wise Aging is an exceptional, simply written book that beautifully lays out a pathway to nurturing such essential conversations.  Jane gave me the way to take a first step, something to help roll out a "small group" discussion within my local church! 

My sole regret about Jane is she lives too far away, because I could use her transformation coaching servicesA Well-Being Coach based in the D.C. area, Jane reaches beyond standard training (two graduate degrees & a slew of coach certificates!) to include body & movement into her practice, working with a client's whole system, moving beyond thought/verbal to intuitive/unspoken, where fraidy cat issues can show their faces.  It is to weep...
Image result for weeping austen character

Just yesterday, plunked down my registration fee for mid-April's 2016 Leading to Well-Being Conference; am looking forward to taking the optional intensive, hearing the speakers, participating in the break out sessions; but above all else, this fervent Janeite is looking for to reconnecting with beyond-the-beyond Jane Kershner!

Image result for Jane Kerschner


  1. You will enjoy and you already bring so much to this table.

  2. You will enjoy and you already bring so much to this table.

  3. Wow... great stuff and I completely agree. Jane is awesome!!

  4. Definitely agree; Jane is an awesome coach, colleague and most of all friend. Honored to be part of her inner circle!
