Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Walk the Talk

Image result for talk like ted carmine gallo

Last night's TEDx Solebury School went beyond my expectations - way beyond.  All the speakers were engaging, some flat-out brilliant.  Was surprised that hearing young people - current students & fairly recent grads - talk about things that truly move them felt like a profound honor.  Seriously - I felt honored to hear them.

The thing that is the most freakin' awesome about last night's experience is how it set my up for something seriously profound.  Just before turning out the light & heading off to slumbers, I finished the last page of Carmine Gallo's book,  Talk Like TED.  The last page of the main text, NOT the final bit, the Author's Note.  Because I wasn't meant to read that while slightly groggy.  Was meant to read that fully awake, fully able to be wowed by the rightness of its unexpected message.  Its message scored a direct hit in my heart.  Actually, it's the heart of the very message I long to persuasively share with aging, older, ancient friends!  Read on...

If  you're like most people, you're capable of so much more than you've imagined for your life.  You have the capacity to move people, to inspire them, to provide hope to the dependent and directions to the lost.  You have the ability to educate and electrify, inform & inspire, but only if you believe in your ability to do so.

Don't let negative beliefs hold you back from achieving your destiny.  Some people might tell you that you're not good enough, that you don't have what it takes to make a compelling business pitch or to make a great presentation.  Often the worst labels are those we place on ourselves.  I find that the leaders who are nervous about speaking in public say the most awful things to themselves - words they would never say to anyone else.  I've heard leaders say:
  • I'm terrible a giving presentations. 
  • I got nervous once and it ruined me.  I'm a terrible public speaker.
  • Nobody wants to listen to me.  I'm boring.
 If these are the types of phrases you repeat to yourself day after day, it's no wonder you get nervous!  You can't control what other people say about you, but you can most certainly control the things you tell yourself.  Instead of replaying negative thoughts over and over again, reframe your thoughts and replace those negative labels with words of encouragement, empowerment, and strength.

Remember, ideas are the currency of the twenty-first century.  Your ideas will change the direction of your life and potentially change the world.  Don't let anything - including negative labels - stand in your way.

At the end of my interview with TED speaker Larry Smith, he said, "I wish you success."  Smith doesn't say "Good luck" because luck has little to do with your success.  You don't need luck to be an inspiring speaker.  You need examples, techniques, passion, and practice.  You also need courage - the courage to follow your passion, articulate your ideas simply, and express what makes your heart sing.

Wishing you success, 
Carmine Gallo

 Thanks, Carmine!  I needed that!

Image result for talk like ted carmine gallo

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