Monday, June 27, 2016

BREXIT, Trump, HRC – the price of marginalizing elders

What do the BREXIT vote & the two 2016 presidential candidates have in common?  They are all ghastly reflections of the price we’re paying for marginalizing our older people, for transforming them from sources of perspective  & ideally wisdom into a sorry herd of frightened sheep corralled by Fox News, aided & abetted by other network news channels.

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It's 2:30 a.m. & wee small hours of the morning thinking has me pondering David Cameron's Grannie, because I bet she would have pointed out to her grandson the folly of allowing the catchy term BREXIT go unchallenged – countless times, what did it tell the British people?  Exit Britain!  She would have inspired the Remain party to blanketed the UK with signs showing the classic circle & slash over the self-fulfilling our worst fears word.  All over the UK, grandparents would have pointed out to children & grandchildren that the elites might be establishment, but were also correct when it came to the fallout of a vote to leave.  And no self-respecting Grannie or Nan would EVER have trusted anyone with such intentionally ridiculous hair!

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Can you imagine a Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton walking off with their party’s presidential nominations a generation ago, before our senior citizens were put on permanent mute?   Trump wouldn’t have made it past the first primary because Frank Wallace would have chewed out Chris for not asking serious questions & Tadeusz Brzezinski  would have read the Riot Act to Mika for letting Trump baffle her with bullshit.  

And Hillary – what self-respecting oldster would  tolerate such a empty suit getting the Democratic nod?  Oh, her grandparents might have doted on her, but the rest of America's grannies would have seen through the blatant DINO ways, Hill's obvious dedication to Wall Street over Main Street, and been chilled by her apparent lack of any ethical core.

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Today's docilized oldsters elderly ancients are no longer sources of the wisdom of age, no longer provide the perspective only possible with decades upon decades of getting through genuinely tough times,  experiencing extreme loss & deprivation & surviving.   

Now, they've been transformed into a major part of the problem. An eminently intelligent friend of mine said yesterday that come Election Day, he'll hold his nose & vote for Trump.  Pressed for his reason, the only one he gave was his DEEP, apparently bottomless loathing of Hillary.  Like so many across The Pond, this smart man plans on voting with his heart, not his head. 

If this was a generation ago, the vote in Britain, the triumph of Trump & the steamrolling of HRC would never have happened because our parents, grandparents, older friends & family would have pointed out each particular emperor/ess had no clothes.  And we would have listened.

BREXIT, Trump & HRC - scary examples of what I've been bleating about for years: the terrible price we'd pay for marginalizing our seniors, cutting ourselves off from elder wisdom, putting on mute the very generation that's supposed to helping us maintain our balance by insights & observations culled from long lifetimes of experience.

Sadly, no longer my theory.  A sorry fact.  In each of those cases, in so many more - eyes wide shut.

Image result for trump emperor's clothes cartoon

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