Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trust in the Lord, be of good courage

What an interesting, enriching three months.  In September, John & I finally posted our online crowdfund request focusing on our eldercare revolution efforts.  In a State of the Human letter we're just now sending out, we've shared the link with our circle of Earth Angels, emphasizing that the greatest investment they can make is to return an enclosed card with artwork & works by the awesome SARK.  Energies, more than money, are what POW!er us forward.

Right after posting the request, our computer conked out.  We'd only had it for two years, so it didn't make much sense for it to turn its toes up & depart from us.  Except...  Not having a computer had added an unexpected depth to my life.  I've done a lot of things over the past year - a workshop & three conferences, many books & articles read, TED Talks given a listen (went to two!), and a whole lot more. 

This is the first posting I've written in those three months.  It's also the first time I've checked the crowdfund site - not a single contribution.  But we've received wonderful comments & blessings, which is what we knew we'd treasure most, what we know will be the greatest fuel powering our next steps.

I hadn't intended for our State of the Human letters to go out around Thanksgiving.  The plan was to have them all done by mid-October ~ that was before the laptop went bye-bye & I was left to write everything at the library.  Seriously slowed things down!  But that's okay - gave me more time to ponder what to say.

Each letter has three parts - the update, thanks for having the person in our life, a link to the crowdfund request.  And two cards - one to keep, the other to return. 

It's been a remarkable experience, checking the site & seeing not a single contribution AND not feeling in the least bit downcast.  "For peace has in it confidence in the Divine, that God leads all things to a good end."  I truly believe that.  I've believed it my entire life, from childhood to this here & now moment. 

My life in this Thanksgiving week isn't anything like I'd expected back in September.  Several hours of my day is spent at anyone of several libraries.  Someone who has been pretty awful planning my day is now learning how to make each hour work for the best.  Each day is a blessing, not dwelling on what went good or bad yesterday, not over thinking about tomorrow.  Being HERE, NOW. 

Over the past twelve months, I attended my first writing workshop lead by Nancy Slonim Aronie at the Rowe Conference Center in beautiful NE Massachusetts.  My 2nd Leading to Well-Being Conference in the spring;  1st Positive Aging Conference in the summer;  3rd National Center for Creative Aging Conference - all of them reinforced my sense of being on a divinely-intended path.  And I was able to underwrite all of them on my own, so my expectation is that 2017 will be graced with more of the fabulous same! 

To our incredulous delight, two of the items on our crowdfund wish list are already checked off. Out of the blue - unrelated to the request - friends gave me a gift card that paid for an iPad mini.  And other friends decided their Grand Marquis was too fuddy duddy for their young selves - our new "grannie ride" & 2nd (at last!) car was a remarkable buy! 

Two things on our list that fell into our laps - THAT is what happens when energies get unleashed, when the Universe knows what we're looking for & can send requested goodies our way.

It's splendid looking around & seeing wondrous things tucked into every part of our lives.  We have our unexpected challenges - vet bills, car challenges, house stuff - but there is also a continual sense of balance, which is something I've sought for as long as memory serves me.  I am, at last, living in my now.

Each day is greeted with the intention to make the BEST use of its 24 hours.  Our circle of friends is a forever blessing on our lives.  We - okay, I am okay with who I am & no longer fret that I'm not more this way or that.  I am me.  One of the greatest things I've learned over my lifetime is the importance of being comfortable in your own skin.   I guess that's what feels like my greatest calling, the use that keeps nipping at my soul to get my act together & take it on the road ~ ~ to help others, whatever they age, feel at peace with themselves, to remove obstacles so they can be their best possible version.  I want people to be filled with the spirit of Auntie Mame & LIVE!  LIVE!  LIVE!

Trust in the Lord, be of good courage...  THAT is what I want for all my clients, my friends, my family & loved ones.  And that doesn't need anything more than an inspired spirit, caring heart & will hands to make it so!

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