Sunday, April 30, 2017

Put the peddle to the metal

Pretty amazing feeling, experiencing the first stage of my current - perhaps greatest - true north passion as completed.  I've successfully expressed my core goal for Cyber Access for the Technically Timid (CATT).  That might seem a no-brainer.  "You've been batting this around for over 15 years - you only just clarified it in your mind?!"


All anyone has to do is read last fall's crowdfunding request to see that I'd thrown a lot of different balls in the air.  They were all worthwhile, it's just that while all had grabbed my attention, I hadn't taken the time or the due diligence to determine which one or two grabbed my heart.

Although I was not consciously aware of how flub -a-dubbed I was, my True Self knew & shut me down.  Without realizing it, I shifted gears, going offline (except Facebook & an occasional peek at e-mail).  For five months, I immersed myself in reading.

I'd actually starting my reading jag back in the late fall, reading or rereading Brene Brown, devouring Glennon Doyle Melton, refamiliaring myself with Taming the Gremlin.  Marney Makridakis transformed my relationship with time. Came February, I hunkered down with John Tarnoff, Tim Ferriss, Sarah Pennypacker, Guy Kawasaki, Peter Guber, Doug Stevenson, Robert Grudin, Alexander Osterwalder,  Marie Clapsaddle, Abby Stokes, Chris Murray, Adam Steltzner, Milchael Miller & the awesome TODD HENRY.

It took me a while to realize my thinking had turned from personal to professional development.  Went down on my knees in gratitude at the number of exceptional books being written for creatives in business today.  (20 years ago, Guy Kawasaki was basically the only author equating business with flat-out FUN - and he's gotten even better & more passionate with the years.). I look at my reading table, at shelves to my left & right - books on business models & the power of storytelling, computer basics & translating passion & purpose into a compelling business plan.

They - and the many scores of books in bookshelves throughout the house - all helped boost me to this moment, where the vision part is DONE, the peddle-to-the-metal part begins.

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