Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Happy Interdependence Day!

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My sister died on July 3, 2015.  My nation celebrates its birthday on July 4.  The deep awareness that was intensified by the first combined with the joy of the second leads me to declare that from this time forward, I will celebrate July 5 as Interdependence Day!

As soon as I wrote that down, just seconds ago, realized it's not true.  Not July 5 - am celebrating EVERY day as my "Happy Interdependence Day!"  

We all should, every one of us.  Sadly, that is in direct contradiction to the currently ballyhooed "ideal" of the rugged individual who stands on his or her own two feet, takes what life gives, pulls themselves up by their own bootstraps to make it into something fine & worthy of admiration. 

A stunning number of GOP leaders are fervent fans of author, Ayn Rand.   Influential senators Rand Paul (not named for her) & Ron Johnson are numbered among them.  Ronald Reagan admired her, while current presidental candidate Gary Johnson tells the story of when he & his wife started dating, how he gave her a copy of Atlas Shrugged, telling her, "If you want to understand me, read this."  Every year, Associate SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas screens The Fountainhead for his incoming law clerks.  Ted Cruz pointed to her as "one of my all-time heroes."  Speaker of the House Paul Ryan once made it a point to introduce all his staff to her writings & philosophy, as has Ted Cruz.  

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I make the point of declaring every day Interdependence Day because it's needed.  Across America, people need to embrace that independence is only truly liberating when it serves as a stepping stone to working with each other for the greater good. 

My first act on this first of my forever Interdependence Days is to remind anyone who forgot & inform those who don't know that Ayn Rand is about as unlikely a conservative icon as you're going to find.  A) She was - gasp! - born in Russia.  B) She believed that reason is the only way to gain knowledge.  C) Loudly & clearly rejected faith & religion.  D) BUT all those things are moot to conservatives, because she firmly believed in laissez-faire capitalism, free from any government interference, a belief which apparently makes all the rest okay.  

Ayn Rand would scoff at my concept of Interdependence Day.  Silly Ayn!  What she missed.  Yesterday, looking at my community as we all celebrated the 4th, was swept with fresh appreciation of all I hold most dear.  

People look at the stuff I do for my community & marvel - even question - doing things like handing out free cupcakes, decorated with sprlnkles & gummy dolphins surfing blue frostingat yesterday's picnic.  For me, it's sweet payback for so many years of so much support, from when Dad died while I was still in college to as recently as last year when I needed dental care & didn't have the funds 

People could look at my current success & think, "There's a gal who made the most of her opportunities, who overcame adversity to make a difference."  I am here because my community - financially, emotionally, spiritually - was there for me when I was in need.  It/they helped hold me together when I was falling apart, helped hold me in place so I could get to my here & now.

I've seen play out in my own life that every day is Interdependence Day, a new opportunity for fresh success, paying back & paying forward.  To me, THAT is the gift of being born an American.  

Listening to patriotic songs that are dear to my heart & soul. noticed something that had previously slipped by - that America, the Beautiful says, "Who, more than self, their country loved, and MERCY more than life."  I'd remembered that incorrectly, thought it was "freedom more than..."  

We hear a lot of talk about freedom & liberty, words that I am sure Ayn Rand held dear.  We don't hear so much about mercy - and my guess is that certain folks could consider it a wimpy, downright unAmerican word.   Not me.  Will keep mercy in my thoughts & in my heart, will do all I can to reflect it in my actions.  

My sister died on July 3, 2015.  My nation celebrated its birthday yesterday.  Remembering Mim, holding fast to what she & my family, my community & country mean to me, am proclaiming, "Let the bells ring out the news - Happy Interdependence Day!"  Always & forever, may I hold mercy of greater value than life.  

Ayn Rand's acolytes might consider that heresy.  I hold it to be the American Dream that we can all help realize, in at least some small way, every day.  

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In writing this posting, came across an article in the Concord (NH) Monitor, written just yesterday.  It makes the point I've been mulling far better than my attempt to describe what went through my mind & heart during yesterday's festivitiesMy thanks to :

Today, the word independence is thick in the warm summer air. Everywhere across the United States we will gather, grill and gawk at the fireworks as a representation of our country’s freedom 240 years ago.

A lot has changed in the years since our infant nation rebelled, so rather than simply re-declaring, maybe it’s time we reframe our ideas about independence.

This independence, however, does not excuse us from our responsibility as human beings and global citizens. 

... I would argue that it is this growing disconnection among people that contributes to our economic and personal insecurity. If we must declare independence from something, perhaps it should be from the hate, fear and xenophobia that seek to drive a wedge between individuals, cultures and nations.

Maybe what we need is an “Interdependence Day,” an opportunity to turn our attention to the ways we can work together to support that which others value without surrendering our own ideals. This world needs more connection, not isolation. We need to rely on each other mutually and instill these principles in our children.

....We can argue about what constitutes “great,” but fear, isolation and withdrawal from one another seem to be unlikely remedies for an already fractured world.

I am not suggesting that individuals and nations develop a codependency where we rely on each other in unhealthy and destructive ways. We can, however, acknowledge that our planet is well served if we bet on our mutual best interest. 

...Let us intentionally engage in our commonalities and our differences. The truth is that we as a human race are inseparable, so instead of attempting futile independence, why not ask ourselves what difference we can make in each other’s lives.

This day of interdependence would be cause for true celebration when we demonstrate to each other in our words and deeds, “I honor the greatness in you.” 

These are snippets of a column we all should read.  In his own words, Brennan sings out, like the great song - we are, as Americans, called to love "mercy more than life."  Not easy to do, but being truly free was never simple. 

Brennan Barnard trumps Ayn Rand.  May every member of our Executive, Judicial & Legislative branches - especially Senators Paul & Johnson & Cruz, Justice Thomas, presidential candidate Johnson, Speaker Ryan - , receive a hard copy of the piece so they can join me in proclaiming, "Happy Interdependence Day - today & all that follow!"

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