Monday, September 19, 2016

"WE gave each other all that we had to offer."

My thanks to the Facebook friend who used this line, describing the tight & tender relationship she had for 32 years with her appreciated beloved cherished mother-in-law.

"WE gave each other all that we had to offer."  That sentence echoes throughout my soul.

It complements so completely an aha that hit the other day, reading Glennon Doyle Melton's description of her experience at the end of a crazed AIDS bike ride back in her younger years.  Was surprised at the waves of homecoming that swept over me reading, "And it didn't matter anymore if we were gay or straight or young or old or healthy or dying.  We'd been through something real. It had hurt like hell, but we'd finished.  Together."

It seemed slightly outrageous, that reading those lines brought SUCH a strong sense of my family, the family that was integral to my young adult-now years ~ Mom, Peter, Mike, Mim. 

How was it possible, given the MASSIVE differences between them et moi?  Given the ripped apart spirits, the disconnects, the UNness of it all?  HOW was it possible those words brought the of us, together, so vividly to mind?  That haunted my thoughts for the past two days.

Patsy nailed it - "WE gave each other all that we had to offer."  At 64, can see that we all gave what we had to offer to Mom, to the greater family.  We gave 100% of what available.  We all did our individual best at the given time, given circumstances, given sense of being.

"WE gave each other all that we had to offer."  Intriguing, how shout-outs & insights from the Divine typically come from unexpected sources.   Am feeling blessed & at peace & loving my dear family, especially the ones I was least like, yet knew best - Mom, Peter, Mike, Mim.  

Image result for family heart

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