Friday, November 25, 2016

You never forget your first one!

The other day, we received our first energized card back from one of our Earth Angels.  Today, we received our first contribution to our crowdfund request

Two might not sound like a lot, but they are both proof positive that we actually GOT the request written, GOT it posted online.  Those are things over which we have control.  And we did both.  Our intention turned into COMPLETED actions.

We did it! 

That is no small accomplishment, at least for me. 

It's wonderful, dropping the shackles of the past.  However I came to get the message that what counts is what we dream of doing, the great & lofty goals we set - not what actually gets done - doesn't matter, only leaving it in my past.

Image result for blessings

I still have to fight against the tendency to get a task almost completed.  The desire to take tasks to DONE is firmly embedded in my nature, but wildly NOT part of my nurture.  It's marvelously empowering, being old enough, experienced enough, WISE enough to see the perversity that's kept me from doing what calls to be done, to step past it.

There might not be any more contributions to our crowdfund request ~OR~ we could end up fully funded, even go well past our goal.  We might just get the one card back ~OR~ end up with our po box full to overflowing.  How beyond-imagination fabulous that those are our "mights," not "we might get this posted" or "what might have been if we'd done a gofundme request."

Our task is completed.  Someone responded.  There may be more, there may not, but we will never forget our mega precious firsts!! 

Image result for fireworks

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