Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Person-alizing "Personal Care"

Image result for thank you note

This is a thank you note to the Universe, from the bottom of my heart.  Something happened yesterday that embodied blessing serendipity grace, a remarkable moment that comes close to being called a miracle.

A beloved grannie client is moving today from Independent Living to Personal Care.  What had been increasingly a wise mover became imperative after she had a few days of poor health last month & a late night run to the local emergency room for intense back pain.  Neither turned out to be serious, but both served as illustrated the urgency of the move.  When an apartment became available, the choice was made.  

Yesterday morning, I took her to breakfast, as usual.  Toward the end, Lisa & Justin stopped by, much to her delight.  "We have a surprise for you, Mom," they explained.  She wasn't too sure - she might be forgetful, but she's far from stupid.  She's learned that "surprises" aren't always welcome.

It helped that it was my first time seeing the Personal Care wing, too.  There was no faking the genuine amazement I felt when the elevator doors opened onto a beautiful setting, with warmly painted walls, hallways decorated for the autumn season, smiling staff saying, "Hi!"   Sorry to repeat myself, but was genuinely amazed that it actually felt COZY.  Not what I was expecting.

I was entranced, but Anne was definitely still deeply skeptical as we turned down the hall to check out her new apartment.  It was considerably larger than I'd expected, with a bathroom about twice the size of the old one.  And the view - yes, it's of Whole Foods' parking lot, but that's a plus for someone like my dear friend, the ultimate people person.  In the old apartment, there was view of trees, but mostly one had the sense of looking out on other parts of residence buildings.  Her new apartment has view of the Whole Foods lot, which means she'll see people coming & going, but it also looks onto LOTS of trees, to the distant flow of traffic up & down The Fairway, to a vast stretch of sky that promises great cloud watching & sunsets, and - best of all - a clear view of far off railroad tracks, where she will occasionally spot memory-rich trains.  

Forget entranced - I was blown away.

Anne wasn't so sure.  She wanted to know why she was being moved & none too convinced by her children's answers & my obvious enthusiasm for the new digs.

Then, everything shifted.  Yes, almost miraculously.

The four of us were headed to the elevator.  The doors opened & a group of about six older people poured out, led by a vivacious young woman.  She looked at me & I looked her.  "I know you," she stated.  I asked her name.  "It's Tina."  I responded, "Ferrara?"  Close enough.

Tina & I met several years back, probably at the Southampton Giant (same place I met the equally wondrous Denise Kuritz - that sort of magical super market).  We both work with older friends & adore what we do, we live within five minutes of each other.  But we never followed up on that first contact.  Until the Universe picked the just right time.

She was taking her friends to the social room for a coffee klatch & invited us to join in.  We did!  Lisa & Justin went back to packing up the apartment, Anne & I stayed in the increasingly more personal Personal Care unit.  

We couldn't have planned it better.  Anne met her future neighbors, some of whom she already knows.  They got some personal background on her - from Tina! - who gave such a lovely description of Anne's hometown, which she drives through every day to work.  Everything just clicked.  Anne will always think well of an opportunity to have a sip & nibble & connect with people.  

It was a golden moment, a priceless opportunity for my dear friend to truly personalize Personal Care.  Am still in amazement.  And feeling tremendous gratitude to the Universe for making the move so much easier for a special woman.  Thanks, thanks & more thanks!

Image result for circle of friends

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