Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What calls out to be done - just not by me

originally posted at Dream Reweaver...

Image result for colorful brain

One of the gifts of growing older is realizing there just isn't time to do all the things burbling up in my brain.  Time nudges me to step back & consider a) which go beyond grabbing my interest to grabbing my heart; b) which of those are worth my attention & energies; and c) which would be better done by someone else.

It would give me deep joy to personally restore the trophy case Dad designed & crafted to honor my brother, Ian, and his class.  Am so NOT the person for that particular task!

The only person who can write about Cooper of the Gardens - the sweet marmalade tabby who sets guard over the cathedral gardens, while his brother keeps an eye on Glencairn, two of his sibs stand watch at Cairnwood, and their parents live in "the quaint, cozy cottage by the itty bitty pond" - is me, because he's only alive in my head!

Ditto with most of my life expansion/wise eldering initiatives  - it's gotta be me, because I'm the one they're beckoning!
But coordinating & producing Historic District et al coloring pages is like the trophy case - as delightful as it would be, I lack the artistic chops to provide the inspired effort they deserve.  Let someone with the special gift of an artistic eye bring it into being.  Hey - how about making it a college or high school art project?  

Image result for bryn athyn historic district

There are things that call out are best at least started by me, a couple that can only be done by me.   But others - the trophy case, the coloring pages & many more - are best left to those who can do them best.  

They call to be done - call loudly - just not by me.  

A question I'd love to ask everyone, especially my even older friends - what calls to be done that can be done, is best done by you?  Touching base with a friend, identifying photos so others can appreciate more than a picture, writing down memories or things to share with friends & family, finding someone to help audio tape a life review, going through scrapbooks with loved ones so they can understand the whens, whys & wherefores of each photo or clipping or note.  I'd ask, "What calls to be done that's best done by YOU?"  Then add, "Do it!"


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