Friday, August 19, 2016

Peels of thanks!

It's taken every moment & memory & all the multi-layered WOW!s of my 64 years to tumble to the realization of having been born with an internal set point for what works for me.  That basic aha realization explains SO MUCH, especially John.  Given my background, it surprised me that there was only a sense of sweet homecoming when we connected, not a scintilla of "I'm not worthy of this sort of happiness."  Worthy didn't even come into it - my internal set point just sensed, "Yep, this works."

Mind you, I was raised with the teaching that humans are born with inherited evils of every kind, which sounds pretty daunting.  If that describes the messing up attitudes instincts inclinations that pretty obviously worked against my best interests instead of for, then I can relate.  But behind all of them, deep below their heft, was another "truth" taught to me from my mother's knee - all of us are born predestined for a heavenly life.  The Great What Is created us for happiness, for productivity, for giving & receiving joyously, for glorious BEING.

Yes, yes & YES - my life has gotten me to the point where that rings true in my head, my heart, my soul & spirit.  I embrace it as the greatest truth in my life - I was born preset for wonder, for finding the most exquisite glee in doing for others, in doing my best to get out of my own way so awe can find a ready path to tread in my life, that having the opportunity to do each day a bit better than the last is the coolest of the cool realities. 

This awareness doesn't feel like a great flash of insight, but a gentle peeling away of layers.  If I had years of journaling to look over, would seen mentions of some sense of it reaching far back.  What delight, knowing countless more layers wait to be revealed!

I was born with a preset for happiness, for loving, for a DEEP sense of the flat-out fun of doing things, from practical to frivolous, for others.  That is MY set point.  Trying to extrapolate that personal reality to a larger field is silly.  It's my resounding YES.  See it, celebrate it, move deeper into the ab fab mystery. And always always always remember to give thanks.

For all that has been - thanks!
For all that is to come - YES!

~ Dag Hammarskjold ~

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