Friday, September 2, 2016

still soaking in last weekend

Like my dear Mama, I am deeply challenged to write about the things that touch me the deepest.  So, it's understandable that it's a struggle to process through & put down on paper my experiences from last weekend's International Conference on Positive Aging.  But I will!

Starting out with the totally unexpected high point - opening my heart to being an Elder, facilitated & witnessed by Harvey Austin (aka Harvey the Elder).

When Harvey asked those of us gathered in a circle around him which felt like they were Elders, I was one of those who did NOT put up my hand.  By the end of the hour - which flew by - I was ready to accept the mantle of Elder.  It was quite a moment. 

A moment that has grown & deepened as I read Harvey's book - Elders Rock!  I've already profusely praised Harvey, but this posting is to acknowledge the difference it's made fully & freely embracing being an Elder.  It seemed so - presumptuous to envision myself at such a lofty stage, but now see it is one we should all not simply aspire to, but claim.  What a difference between those two! 

Before leaving for the conference, I knew that the person who came back from D.C. would not be the same person John kissed good bye at Somerton train station.  I can't say that it is a surprise, discovering how many layers keep peeling off.  With a mother like mine ~ who made seven trips to Australia between 65-85, who sought - on her own - psychological counseling in her late 80s ("I don't have any idea who I am."), who started writing e-mail postings to an devoted & ever-growning dist list ~ the thought of continued learning & spiritual growth to my final days has always been a given.  Ditto with so many of her friends.  But it is impossible to describe the delight of peeling off another layer, of finding a new grain underneath what was, a new awareness that's been within me since forever, waiting to be recognized.

So much to say & so stumbled in how to say it!

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