Saturday, January 17, 2015

Interests v. Calling

Before we can "neglect not the gift that is in us," we need to know what it is.  For someone like me, with many diverse interests, knowing the difference between distractions & destiny can be a challenge.  The interests got me to the current fork in my road, for which I thank them.  It's time to move on, tip my hat & move past them to a narrower, more focused path.  

A daunting task - figuring out the difference between interests & calling.  

It seems pretty clear - at least to me - that all my paths have pointed toward being an eldering advocate, helping all ages experience & embrace engaging, expansive lives.  Although my interests range from kindergarteners to centenarians, everything points to beaming my focus on oldsters & ancients.  

Ah, but which aspects of eldering/saging grab not only my attention, not only my heart, but are worth investing my precious time?  

When we fell in love, my John was unsteeped in religion but had a strong sense of spirit.  It was John, not I, who said, with awe & wonder, “I didn’t plan this & you didn’t plan this BUT Somebody planned this!”

That's how I feel about my life path – I sure didn’t plan it, but Somebody did. That's been clear since 10/01/01, when life did a barrel loop that felt like a nose dive, dislodging almost every expectation I had, every assumption of what lay ahead.  

This moment in time is where all that weirdness confusion upheaval led, to a purpose for which – unknown to me – I’d been training all my life.  Now, it's time to figure out what's essential, what's secondary, focus on the first & bid the rest adieu. 

Out of all the things about eldering/saging that grabs my attention, which are distractions, which point to my destination?  Which are my interests, which my calling?  Setting my mind & heart to knowing the difference. Will keep you in the loop!

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