Sunday, June 28, 2015

JOLENE BRACKEY - fellow revolutionary

Most families first address Alzheimer's AFTER they've been hit with a diagnosis.  Then, they go online & are easily overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information available.  Where can they get started?  My suggestion, right after they've ordered Lisa Snyder's Living Your Best With Early-stage Alzheimer's - order Jolene Brackey's Creating Moments of Joy.  

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Don't just sit around, waiting for it to arrive - check out the Resource Page at her Enhanced Moments website, where you'll find a select, manageable list of recommended books & links.  
I'd quote extensively from Jolene's book, but I lent my copy to someone & can't remember who has it.  I'd love to devour it all over again.  It rocked my world.     

Jolene  "has a vision. A vision that will soon look beyond the challenges of Alzheimer's disease and focus more of our energy on creating moments of joy. When a person has short-term memory loss, his life is made up of moments. But if you think about it, our memory is made up of moments, too. We are not able to create a perfectly wonderful day with someone who has dementia, but it is absolutely attainable to create a perfectly wonderful moment; a moment that puts a smile on their face, a twinkle in their eye, or triggers a memory. Five minutes later, they won't remember what you did or said, but the feeling you left them with will linger."

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Like so many people currently making a difference in how we look at & deal with challenges related to growing older, Jolene started out in an unrelated, creative field - interior design.  But what grabbed her heart was helping people live more expansive, engaged lives.  (Hmmmm.... That sounds like someone...  Oh, right - ME!)   Looking for work involving older people, Jolene was hired as  activity director in an Alzheimer's special care unit.  She had found her calling!
Jolene realized this was no simple happenstance, that God was lighting her path.  As news of her ingenuity in crafting moments of joy which touched patients, their families & care partners spread, she was asked to share her simple, incredibly effective methods with others.  

Today, Jolene'd the guiding light behind Enhanced Moments, which helps Alzheimer patients, their families & care partners navigate the journey.  

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On her marvelous website, can click on Tidbits to find ways to create your own moments of joy, shared by her devoted readers.  They can tide you over until the book arrives!

Having older friends who LOVE music, am especially grateful for her audio collections - Songs to Remember  & Hymns to Remember, both teaming a CD & songbook.  Blessed is the older friend whose loved ones take the time to burn CDs of their ones favorite music, who print out the words & music - powerful stuff, deep into dementia.

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Reading Jolene's passion statement - to change society’s attitude toward aging by inspiring minds, rejuvenating spirits, and empowering people to make a difference in the way we care for our elders - echoes my own revolutionary mindset.  Just skimming her Services page boosts my heart & raises my spirits.  Praise be, to able to point people to her book, her website, her glorious self! 
A goal for 2016 - get Jolene out to Philadelphia!  Her closest 2015 event up in Rochester, NY!  It's not possible this incredible woman isn't booked up & down the East Coast.  Jolene - we Easterners need your messages & smile & help creating moments of joy! 

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