Tuesday, May 31, 2016

a new gauntlet tossed

Image result for be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid

I've noticed that my considerably younger friends - millennials, not boomers - tend to approach challenges far differently than yours truly.  Give them something without a lot of directions, just an idea of what needs to be accomplished, and they tend to be off & running.  They don't blink an eye at having a car's manual on a cd or the manual for a new computer online.

AKA - things that tend to send me into massive bouts of stress & feeling massively stupid.

Okay, Ive GOT to get up & seriously running with the ins & outs & 'round abouts of today's social media, which means understanding what the heck is meant by a Facebook Page, how to tweet, what's an Instagram, how to Skype, even how to blog in a fashion that actually tries to attract readers rather than just posting without any intentionally enticing bells or whistles.

I want someone who's a real person giving me real time on real devices.  Except, no one's stepped up to the plate, just direct me to do non-human sources or suggest whipping through Youtube.  

Image result for be bold quotes

So, what finally made me tumble to how truly pathetic I am about being bold, getting waaay outside my comfort zone, setting an example for my own older friends by taking a page out of my younger ones' playbooks & just making the leap??  Realizing I haven't a clue about how to download photos from my camera to my laptop, from my laptop to my e-mail.  I have two weeks' worth of pics from Bryn Athyn Bounty Farm Market to sent to Nina so she can post them on Facebook AND I HAVEN'T SENT THEM BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN AFRAID OF SIMPLE, BASIC TECHNOLOGY.

Am hereby tossing down the gauntlet.  Will learn how to download my photos by the end of tomorrow, Wednesday June 1.  Time to be bold, go outside my comfort zone, do what can be done rather than accept wimpy limitations.  It's badass time.  

Image result for badass quotes

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