Saturday, May 28, 2016


Image result for tracking wonder

"We don’t trek the common path, but we do track the common cause."  

Great  phrase, shamelessly lifted from trackingwonder.com.  How many people these days feel  like they are tracking a common cause – a unifying idea that brings together our disparate talents & efforts into whole that is compels & motivates?  How many people CRAVE that sense of purpose & forward movement? 

Am checking off the days to October’s National  Center for Creative Aging Conference &Leadership Exchange, when so many people trekking divergent paths come together to celebrate our common cause.  

 It’s HARD, because my first NCCA Conference was in June, last year’s was in May – this year’s is in the FALL, four (4!) months away.

Image result for national center for creative aging 2016 conference

I long to re-embrace my fellow trekkers!  There is such wonder & power & WOW in those connections.   

The first time I attended NCCA – in 2014 – was blown away by the creativity & innovation & dedication of awesome people coming together with the common vision of celebrating aging & liberating people too often confined by their own & others’ low expectations of life in our closing years.  The 2nd time, felt bold enough to see myself as part of an wondrous tribe of dedicated souls.  This year – can’t wait to experience what comes next!

"We don’t trek the common path, but we do track the common cause."  In the two years since that first NCCA event, the number of people trekking their own paths keeps increasing, while our common cause - helping cultures reconnect with the deep purpose of aging - grows clearer, stronger, bolder.

Excuse the inexcusable word play, but what it says is so true - if we each trek our unique paths tracking the common cause of honoring our elders, All That Is promises we will, indeed...
Image result for live long & prosper

In times of rampant change and potential cynicism, we help mission-driven professionals, creatives, & companies rediscover their core motivation, unify their teams, and earn customer loyalty.
All with a return in the bank and the conscience.
And that’s just for starters.
We don’t trek the common path, but we do track the common cause – the unifying ideal that brings together what you do into a compelling & motivating narrative.
We apply the art & science of creativity to optimal team-building, innovative brand stories & strategies, as well as to thought leaders’ brand-building assets such as captivating books, signature frameworks or workshops, & websites.
Our clients are committed to doing business as a creative process for the greater good – people whom we call business artists.
- See more at: http://trackingwonder.com/#sthash.bUAcX5iA.dpuf
In times of rampant change and potential cynicism, we help mission-driven professionals, creatives, & companies rediscover their core motivation, unify their teams, and earn customer loyalty.
All with a return in the bank and the conscience.
And that’s just for starters.
We don’t trek the common path, but we do track the common cause – the unifying ideal that brings together what you do into a compelling & motivating narrative.
We apply the art & science of creativity to optimal team-building, innovative brand stories & strategies, as well as to thought leaders’ brand-building assets such as captivating books, signature frameworks or workshops, & websites.
Our clients are committed to doing business as a creative process for the greater good – people whom we call business artists.
- See more at: http://trackingwonder.com/#sthash.bUAcX5iA.dpuf

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