Saturday, May 14, 2016


Image result for heart song

A friend asked recently, "What makes your heart sing?"  

An inspiring ponder that shook me into realizing that everything I do that matters most connects to recovering core values, revealing personal visions, reigniting dreams.  As true today as it was back in my teen years or a young adult.  It's what gave me joy in teaching, fueled my corporate life, yes - makes my heart sing today.  

What do people care about?   What fuels their life passions?  What dreams fill their sails?  Hadn't thought of it before in those words, but that's what makes me tick.

Image result for dream

Chortling, realizing it also helps explain why some folks tag me as "intrusive."  Many believe that their values have constricted alone with their veins, that visions are airy fairy & dreams are best left to children.  I don't agree, but have learned it's best to just step away & let them be.    

My business card says Life Expansionist, General Instigator.  In less than ten words, I help recover values, reveal visions, reignite dreams.   

So, friend who asked, that's what makes my heart sing.  And it's turned into my life purpose, my day thru night job!  As the song writer says - "Nice work, if you can get it.  And you can get it, if you try!"


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