What better way to say THANK YOU to so many people who continue to have a huge effect on the lives of us youngers than with PIE! Let's do it!
I've recently lost or am losing some epic older people in my life. It's helpful to attend memorial services & to let them know how much they're in my thoughts & heart as they ease their way from us, but it's IMPORTANT to give a great big THANK YOU while they're in our midst.
It matters to them. When I have the fun of putting on the spread for the weekly tea at our local senior residence, they know that I do it out of love & appreciation for THEM, not because they needed someone to fill in. When John & I play host at a splashy Movie & Martinelli's, our older friends know we consider it a small sign of how much we honor & love them - and neither of us are related to any of them.
Each time I put on a spread or do a movie night, it feels great. They all fuss about how much work it must be, but any investment on our part is returned many times over in the priceless dividends of smiles & happy voices.
Not a pie throwing, but "Let's put on a Pie Party!"
My little hometown has some over-the-top incredible pie bakers. (Alas, I am not one.) Envision if just a few of them baked just one pie for a dessert buffet - optional scoops of ice cream on the side - & gave just an hour of their time to be on hand for the party. Or dropped off the pies & other non-bakers showed up to play hosts for our honored guests. Envision if a one or more folks with nice voices put together a few songs to sing to happy pie eaters. What an unforgettable moment that could be, for both the party givers & the honorees.
Here goes - friends & family of the fab men & women at the cozy senior residence in the heart of our little hometown, let's wow them with a feast of pie! Nothin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven & pie says it BEST! I'm in the directory, you can find me online, feel free to stop me at the grocery store or down at the Post Office.
The ingredients for fun, easy-as-pie to put together, unforgettable moments - a few fabulous pies + a few heart-thankful folks. Perhaps one of them is YOU!
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