Monday, June 27, 2016

Before I toddle back to bed - recognizing my strengths

Okay, it's 2:36 in the bloody a.m. & I just finished a blog posting on the horrific blow-back due to marginalizing our oldsters elderly ancients.  But more than thoughts of BREXIT, Trump & HRC shook me from my slumbers at 1:35 a.m. - was also thinking, with excited delight, about connecting later this morning with my well-being coach, Jane Kerschner.

Thinking about Jane & remembering a terrific lesson not exactly learned but profoundly remembered over this past weekend.  Remembered this past Saturday, sitting with a group of singularly exception women before hearing a gifted group leader facilitate a Daring Way workshop based on the work of the brilliant Brene Brown, organized & put on by a circle of women who leave me gobswoggled with admiration.  Remembered as John & I sat under the shade of trees at Sunday's Boro Park concert, looking over a scene of Norman Rockwell-esque wonder, children & families, friends of all ages, having a grand time.

What first woke me up this a.m. were thoughts about the strengths that I bring to the table.  My tendency is to think that I am not as talented as the women who put together the Daring Way workshop, that I am not as connected as the friends gathered together at the picnic concert.  I haven't this person's brilliance or that person's credentials.  For many years, those sorts of disempowering thoughts kept me small.  Or kept me thinking I was only capable of doing small things, strangely even as I was doing quite LARGE ones.  

The fact is that those thoughts are quite true - I do not have brilliance working with people, am untried at recruiting allies, am awkward in discussion (or at least it feels that way to me), lack confidence-inspiring credentials.  All true.  

BUT, what I bring that is so important, is the ability to see a problem, a situation that calls out for attention.  I am gifted with appreciating the value of others & unstinting in giving a shout out to their worth - based on solid observation rather than mere fluffery.  I am NOT able to lead a Daring Way workshop or nab an invitation to TEDWomen (yet) or do a lot of things that need doing.  

What I was reminded of this morning, waking up in the ludicrously wee small hours, is that my great purpose is serving as the center of a hub of eldercare services that go beyond maintenance & support to engaging energizing empowering.

It is 2:57 a.m. & I'm on my way back to bed, having shared my strengths.  That's it for now, noting them in a posting.  Come the morning, it's onward & upward to whatever glories are ahead!  Bring it on, am ready to hit 'em out of the park!


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